

Asheville, NC 28805

Invoice Number INV-0048
Invoice Date November 8, 2023
Total Due $925.00
Christine W. Avery Learning Center

The Christine Avery Learning Center
135 Hill Street
Asheville, NC 28801

CUSTOMIZED NOV Monthly 5-STEP Marketing Package + (Website Upgrade)

● 1- Website Update - SitegroundHosting/Website Optimization Setup Management 

        Website Redesign/Update To WordPress/Custom Application Forms Created

● 2- Lead Magnet & Landing Page - Opt-in Form and dedicated form page to capture emails and program-specific leads for CRM system when ready.

● 3- LTL Lesson 1 Graphics- up to 5 Scenes

● 4- LTL Lesson 2 Graphics -Up to 5 Scenes

● 5- Search Engine Indexing(SEO)- SEO SETUP for updated website for better Google search

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 November Monthly 5-STEP Marketing Package + (Website Upgrade) $925.000.00%$925.00
Sub Total $925.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $925.00